Store opening times: 10:30 until 17:30 - 7 days a week

Our Favourite Houseplants for the Winter Season

Our Favourite Houseplants for the Winter Season
Houseplant Heaven! Our Favourite Houseplants for the Winter Season NOW it is getting cold! To satisfy our green thumbs let’s focus on our plants indoors.  We can certainly slow down on the feeding and watering while staying conscious of how warm our house is as most plants still need to stay moist.  With days being darker, some plants need to be moved a little closer to the light but keep in mind how cold it can be near the windows from now on.

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Adding interest to our home is easy with houseplants.  At the moment we have the most amazing collection it was actually hard to decide which ones to write about. I’ll start off with my current favourite Medinilla magnifica ‘Dolce Vita’. This is a beauty.  The flowers are about twenty cm long, long lasting and hang down so nicely against dark pointed leaves. This plant like the orchid, is an epiphyte so likes to dry out well between watering.

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Scented houseplants are so refreshing to have in the house at this time. Orange and Lemon blossoms can really be a mood lifter on the darker days.  We have a large variety of small citrus trees to choose from or you can choose the sweeter scents of other houseplants like honeysuckle, Stephanotis floribunda ‘Elegance’ or Gardenias. photo 3 To interest children on the finer sides of being a green thumb, introduce them to the weird and wonderful plants that do really well indoors.  From Carniverous plants such as Venus Fly Traps to air plants that need only a special mist now and then to the fabulous Ceropegia sandersonii otherwise known as the African Parachute Plant, you will have no problem finding something interesting to introduce to your home.

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Our windows are not open as much as they are the rest of the year so air purifying plants are double jobbers – adding colour and cleaning the air. NASA did a study on the best air purifying plants and we have at least eight of the best of them.  Peace lily, Anthuriums, Orchids, variegated Snake plant are included in these. Mix any of these in pots for long lasting greenery and a soothing touch OR we can wake it up with colour!

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Create the Christmas holiday feeling – especially using plants such as traditional Poinsettia which come in red, white and PINK (!), Ardesia with beautiful red berries and mammoth Cyclamen mixed with ivy, holly or any evergreen as centre or hall pieces. We have Christmas Cactus that is just about burst into pink, red or white flower and loads of bulbs to brighten your windows. Create your own arrangements, consult with us and we can do one together or choose from a range of pre-planted choices to take away with you.  Or just come in for a browse, there is a lot to see and enjoy!


Mary Weiss, Horticulturalist

Powerscourt Garden Pavilion

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