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Growing Leeks and Garlic

Growing Leeks and Garlic
Leeks Leeks can be planted from late summer and through the winter months. Sow the seed at a depth of 2cm and let them harden off before transplanting them. They prefer fertile soil so it would help if you dig in well-rotted manure or compost before planting them. Seedlings can be planted about 10-15cm apart, and be careful not to overwater them. Earth the soil up around them as they grow to give them their white stems. Within 4-5 months, your leeks will be ready to harvest.  

 growing leeks and garlic

Garlic Garlic loves to be planted in a sunny area. The soil should be well drained. Plant in autumn or early winter. Plant the individual cloves about 10cm deep and 15-20cm apart. They are very easy to grow but keep the soil moist and don’t overwater them. To prevent bolting, cut the stem down to half its height a few weeks before harvesting. Let the leaves turn completely yellow before you harvest them. To store them 8 months or longer, hang the garlic up to dry in a well ventilated place.   growing garlic     Monica, Horticulturalist Powerscourt Garden Pavilion

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